& Construction

Integrated BIM tools, including Revit, AutoCAD and Civil 3D
& Manufacturing

Professional CAD/CAM tools built on Inventor and AutoCAD
From fantastic creatures and sweeping landscapes to explosive battle sequences, the Academy Award-winning Maya toolset is a top choice for creating believable characters and worlds.
Create 3D props, environments, and characters with powerful polygon and NURBS modeling tools.
Bring characters to life with features like keyframe, nonlinear, and motion capture animation.
Create physically accurate simulations and effects like explosions and ocean surfaces with Bifrost.
Build procedural materials across multiple tools with LookdevX, a material authoring plug-in.
View real-time scene changes, including lighting and materials, with the Arnold renderer integration.
Improve collaboration with integrated open standards like OpenUSD (Universal Scene Description).
Supercharge your tools with scripting and plug-ins like Unreal Live Link.
Smart Extrude
Extrude faces on a mesh in a flexible and predictable way, minimizing manual cleanup of resulting geometry.
Polygonal modeling
Create 3D models using geometry based on vertices, edges, and faces.
NURBS modeling
Construct 3D models from geometric primitives and drawn curves.
UV editing and toolkit
View and edit the UV texture coordinates for polygon, NURBS, and subdivision surfaces in a 2D view.
Sculpting toolset
Sculpt and shape models more artistically and intuitively.
Keyframe animation
Animate objects or skeletons by setting markers (keys) to indicate timing and position.
Add deformation effects to your characters and objects to tweak their appearance and enhance their animation.
Motion capture animation
Create animation in Maya using motion capture (or “mocap”) systems.
Pose and animate models with hierarchical, articulated structures known as skeletons.
Bind a modeled surface to a skeleton with smooth, rigid, and indirect skinning.
Easily retarget animation between characters of differing size, proportions, and skeletal hierarchy with HumanIK.
Time Editor
Create and edit animation sequences with any keyframeable object or attribute in Maya.
Nonlinear animation
Assemble animation in sequences that you can rearrange and edit, like film clips in a nonlinear editor.
Graph Editor
See a graphical representation of interpolation between animation keys that you can modify.
Cached playback
See changes made to your animation without needing to create a playblast.
Simulation and effects
Deliver natural looking effects like snow, particles, or waves with Aero, MPM, Particles, and BOSS systems. (video: 5 sec.)
Scattering and instancing
Create large-scale complexity for world building or set dressing with expressive scattering and instancing tools.
Ready-to-use templates
Access a variety of pre-built compounds and graphs to use as a starting point for creating your own effects.
Geometry nodes
Work at the lowest level of mesh creation, organize with component tags, and create geometry inside the Bifrost Graph.
Procedural USD
Assemble, organize, and edit USD assets non-destructively with the flexibility of the Bifrost Graph.
Build materials that work across multiple renderers with LookdevX, Autodesk’s agnostic material authoring plug-in for Maya, supported by OpenUSD.
LookdevX Graph Editor
View, author, and edit materials on Maya geometry in a single node-based visual programming environment.
Native USD and MaterialX material authoring
Use native USD and MaterialX shading graphs simultaneously within the same Maya session.
MaterialX data structures
Automatic MaterialX Stack and Document data structures ensure you can use MaterialX comfortably in your daily tasks.
Color management
Trust color accuracy with color management data precisely embedded in USD files, controlled by Maya's Color Management Preferences.
Arnold integration
Dive into more advanced graphing using the integrated Arnold shading graphs.
Integrated Arnold renderer
Use Arnold Render View to view scene changes in real time, including lighting, materials, and cameras.
Create and apply a wide range of materials with Arnold shaders in Maya like the standard_surface, distance, or toon shader.
GPU and CPU rendering
Use Arnold for production rendering on both the GPU and CPU.
Simulate the effect of exposure, focus distance, aperture size, and more with cameras including the cylindrical and fisheye camera.
Pick from multiple light settings to simulate illumination in a scene with efficient techniques like global light sampling.
Quickly reduce noise while preserving details in rendered images with denoising options like the OptiX Denoiser.
Color management
See accurate previews of final colors in the viewport and Render View with OpenColorIO v2.
Arnold USD
Leverage Arnold within USD-based workflows in production scenarios for efficient flow of 3D data.
Lightning speed
Load and edit massive data sets in a matter of seconds using OpenUSD in Maya.
Seamless import and export
Import USD data as native Maya data and export native Maya data as USD data.
Lightweight previews
See quick previews of USD scene structure using the Hierarchy View window.
Native OpenUSD support
Work with USD data directly in common Maya editors, such as the Outliner, Attribute Editor, and Channel Box.
OpenUSD in the viewport
See USD natively alongside Maya data in the viewport.
Open source and fully customizable
The Maya USD plug-in is available as an open-source project for studios to customize as needed.
Unreal Live Link
Stream animation data from Maya to Unreal Engine in real time, which lets you work on character assets in Maya while seeing a preview inside Unreal.
Create Maya scripts and write plug-ins using Python 3.
Scene assembly
Create large, complex worlds without slowing down your workflow.
Customize the interface, hotkeys, search, and more to tailor Maya to your preferences and workflow.
Plug-In Manager
Easily identify and manage which plug-ins are loaded into Maya.
Adobe Live Link
View and update scenes in Maya and Adobe After Effects simultaneously.
Flow Production Tracking integration
Access production management tools directly in Maya with a Flow Production Tracking (formerly ShotGrid) subscription.